Buy and Sell Cars
We are a company started in the business of buying and selling cars. We deal with all car-related products, buying and selling. The company has got extensive experiences of link across the word from port to port since 2008. Previously known as Brusk baboos Baneh Co LTD mainly operated from chain at the time.
Quality Used Cars
Find the perfect pre-owned vehicle at Golden Vehicle Ltd. Browse our wide selection of cars and light motor vehicles, both online and in-store.
In addition to our car sales, we also offer a range of services including the manufacture of other chemical products, retail trade of motor vehicle parts and accessories, and wholesale of other intermediate products.
Our Services
Trust our expertise.
Let us take responsibility of your trip safety.
We know when to change parts.
Reassuring you of parts exchange gurantee.
No log eating list.
In some cases we can provide at your door service as long as it is safe.
Call & Calm
Quality and Value
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